
Macroeconomics 2-e




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底下是 Macroeconomics 2-e 的內容簡介

Brad DeLong's Macroeconomics offers a new approach to the subject. Drawing upon his vast experience teaching, researching, and advising the U.S. government on Economy policy has enabled him to write an intermediate macroeconomics text that will set the standard for books in this area for years to come. For example, DeLong focuses on the interest rate rather than the AS/AD diagram and he includes expanded coverage of the crucial topic of long-run growth. His lively text is modern, provides extensive insight into economic policy, incorporates a strong international perspective, and offers a broad historical perspective.

Because of all the happenings in the macroeconomy since September of 2001, we are publishing a special Updated Edition Value Package of DeLong. This Updated Edition covers such important topics as the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and their remarkably strong but apparently short-lived effects on production and employment, the recession, the Argentinean financial crisis and more. The Updated Edition Value Package also includes the high-quality Study Guide, written by Martha Olney at University of California-Berkeley.y. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

  • 出版社:新月

  • 出版日期:2005/08/01
  • 語言:英文

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Tiger Time (6) Student’s Book with Access Code

Master Mind 2-e (1) Teacher’s Book Premium Pack with DVD-1片 and Class Audio CDs-2片 and Webcode

Blue Chip 2

Happy Phonics Set 6 (5 Books + Audio CD-1片)


Happy Phonics Set 5 (5 Books + Audio CD-1片)(1-e)


Writing Kit (3) with Workbook(1-e)

Tiger Time (5) Activity Book

Achieve 2-e (Starte) Teacher’s Book

Master Mind 2-e (1) Student’s Book Pack with DVD-1片 and Webcode

Time Zones 2-e (2) Student Book

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Time Zones 2-e (4) Classroom Audio CDs-3片 and DVD-1片

Time Zones 2-e (1) Workbook

Time Zones 2-e (1) with Online Workbook

Tiger Time (4) Class Audio CDs-3片(MP3)

Time Zones 2-e (3) Student Book

Tiger Time (5) Class Audio CDs-4片(MP3)


Time Zones 2-e (1) Student Book

Time Zones 2-e (3) Teacher’s Edition

Time Zones 2-e (2) Teacher’s Edition


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